Was opened by the Khedive Abbas Hilmi II Greco-Roman Museum officially in

Italian Giuseppe Botti began in the performance of the task of creating a museum in Alexandria allocation to the Greco-Roman.
Interest in this era began in earnest after 1866, when Akmal Mahmoud Hvairh astronomer in Alexandria, where he highlighted on the map of the ancient city. Interest in more than with the configuration of the Archaeological Society in Alexandria in 1893.
Initially, the groups were placed in a building formerly Rashid Street (now the road to freedom). Building was completed the first ten rooms in the building this in 1895.
Additional rooms (numbers 11 to 16) completed in 1899, has been completed from the interface in 1900. Some manufactures Greek Romanian handicrafts, particularly the Group of currencies, was brought in from the Bulaq Museum (now the Egyptian Museum) in Cairo.
When he was assigned to Giuseppe Botti running the museum, providing the

Dates most of the collections in the museum to the period of the third century BC. M to the third century AD, which is comprehensive for its trendy Ptolemies and Romans. Was compiled and organized groups in 27 rooms, while some pieces appear in the small garden.
Models of the museum
Panel Bmagny standing beseeching, while he is doing the industry a decade. He is wearing a long gown with headdress wrapped around his neck from the front; and above the circular head ornament.
Are located on each side of the painting floral designs, has mostly disappeared; while the bottom is completely free of decoration.
Found on most of these paintings funeral in Alexandria, or fetched from the Monasteries of West Alexandria or from different parts of Lower and Upper Egypt: Aswan, especially in the Akhmim Ohmonin. The majority of which is carved from limestone, and only a few of the marble.
Was used to close the entrances to the tombs is covered with graffiti written: indicate the name of the deceased and his parents and his home and the date of death; and sometimes also added his career. And writing the Coptic language, with some Christian symbols.

It sits a board to write on her knees, her head slightly skewed to the right and put her hands on her knees, and feet missing.
The row of hair around the head with a coral in the middle where characterized by facial features and her face full of Bhevcin and a large nose.
This statuette depicts Dionysius, the Greek god of wine and intoxication, in the form of a small naked child, standing on the base of a pot holder in one hand, he had no other now.
Dionysius and pour wine to quench the thirst of Fahd stationed Gazing at his side in it. The decorated head garland from the leaves of the vineyard, which has now lost, where the back support in the form of the root of the tree and branches scheduled.
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